Monday, December 14, 2009

Holiday Giveaway Results

I know you are all dying to know how the great Fire and Salt Holiday Giveaway 2009 turned out. The random number picker sat ready as all the comment numbers were placed face down on the table and shuffled around. The drawing started slowly but.......
every winner got a little happy dance after their number was drawn.

I have sent emails out to all the winners. I won't go through the entire list as it's a bit lengthy. However, I'm sure you would like to know who won the two most popular prize choices. The 12 quart Le Creuset Stockpot went to Katrina at glutenfreegidget and the Shun Ultimate Chopping Knife went to Kim at glutenfreegreenmommy. Now I just have to get everything shipped out. Thank you so much to everyone who stopped by to leave a comment and congratulations to all those who won.


  1. She is just so darn cute! Thanks for the contest! I can't wait to get my cereal. :)

  2. I am so excited!!!!! I hope your "random number picker" gets a BIG present from Santa this year! ;-)

  3. While I didn't win, I do think that is the CUTEST random number generator I have ever seen. :)

  4. Best random number generator ever! She's adorable. Congrats to the big winners, Katrina and Kim!

