Thursday, December 3, 2009

Eggnog Milkshakes

The Holiday Food Fest this week is dedicated to cocktails, mocktails, and appetizers. I've been trying to think of a good drink to share but the more I thought about it the more I realize I don't drink many cocktails. Then about a week ago my family and I were at a little country diner not far from our house where they had eggnog milkshakes on the menu. My three year old daughter, who has never tried eggnog, was so excited that they had eggnog milkshakes. I must say they were very very good. By the way my daughter now calls the diner the "milkshake store" every time we drive by it. So today, I don't necessarily have some great recipe, just a little inspiration to keep the holiday vibes flowing around your house.
You know you want to try it. Just throw some eggnog and vanilla ice cream in a blender. It's so rich, creamy, and smooth. Enjoy!!!


  1. Sounds good to me, Brian. That's the best kind of recipe ... the non-recipe ... just throw some great ingredients together and there you go. I must might have to make these. :-)


  2. Love the simplicity =D. Although eggnog isn't my thing, this sounds just perfect - might have to make it for dad!

  3. I don't drink many cocktails either. Ok, I just drink coffee and water. I was kind of at a loss, too. I love your milkshake - it's perfect for the holidays. Thanks for participating!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Eggnog milkshakes sound delicious! Thanks for the idea.
